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The Creative Space…the perfect storm

The Creative Space…the perfect storm

Over the past 5 years, I’ve seen many cases of collaboration happen between members. Working with a team is best, and “in-sourcing” with fellow coworkers is amazing!  We witnessed this recently with a video project between fellow members, Amanda...

Fix Our Digital Highway I would guess that the goods and services that travel on our digital highways outweigh the physical goods in quantity and economic impact. Barrie, we need to start investing in the digital infrastructure....
Harlem Shake Video

Harlem Shake Video

Member of the Space, Rob Balmer (Generic Pharma 2.0) suggested we do a Harlem Shake video a couple weeks ago. I was a bit hesitant due to the crude nature of most of them, but decided to give it a go! Everyone got right into it and we had a blast! We had a...