A few weeks ago, I was chatting with Ward Councillor John Brassard about joining us one Tuesday for SPARK, as the kids doing the program are from Holly. With this past week being all about BRAINSTORMING, we thought it would be great to have John send us a few ideas, issues in the Holly area for the students to chew on. The three topics were a proposed skate park, the annexed land and library services in Holly. The kids zeroed in on the skate park and the annex lands and came up with some great insights. John dug in as well with the students, asking questions and getting some great feedback. This is just one more example of how SPARK is working. As we read their testimonials, we saw a common thread. They love being asked their opinion as it relates to the bigger picture. We sometimes think kids need to wait till they’re older to contribute to community/world issues, but they have great ideas now! This week we’re talking about Social Stigmas around poverty, addiction and homelessness. Special Guests: The Busby Centre