The Creative Space | Safety Policies | COVID-19
In light of the covid-19 pandemic, here are the ways we are ensuring our work centres are the safest place to work for our members. This is an evolving list that will be updated accordingly based on recommendations by the World Health Organization, provincial and federal governments, and other health resources.
Physical Distancing
Based on recommendations from the World Health Organization we have placed signage indicating 6’ distances in all of our common-use spaces, such as kitchenettes and lounges. We have also re-arranged furniture with the safety of everyone in mind.
Mandatory Face Coverings
Everyone is required to wear a face covering in our common spaces including hallways, kitchens, lounges, washrooms, and lobbies.
Hand Sanitizing
Hand sanitizing stations have been placed at entrances and exits of our spaces. Please apply hand sanitizer when entering and exiting.
Mandatory Sign-In
When any member or guest enters our space, we require them to sign-in with their name and time of arrival. Everyone will also need to fill-in a symptom screening form as mandated by the provincial government of Ontario.
Strict Guest Policy
At this time we would ask no outside guests be allowed in the space. Unless they are part of your direct team and follow all guidelines. All guests must sign in with their name, their host, and the time of arrival.
Dedicated Cleaning Porter
Along with our regular evening cleaning, we will throughout the day address high touchpoint areas and kitchens. There will also be disinfectant wipes available for everyone’s use.
Hand Washing
Hand soap is available in washrooms and kitchen sinks. It has been proven that hand washing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to avoid infection.