In the past decade, coworking has been rapidly accelerating in numbers around the world. Canada has birthed many spaces of it’s own, with Ontario leading the way, having 20+ spaces. Since the coworking community is all about collaboration, we thought: Why not get space owners together for some brainstorming?
And so, May 4-5th we saw 11 attendees representing 8 spaces and 5 cities come to Barrie for the first Ontario Coworking Forum.
We had a great time teaching one another about coworking. Topics included starting, managing and financing a space. We talked about methods of funding, models of membership and leveraging our collective energy to see more press, more sponsorship opportunities and possibly some group buying power.
Alex Hillman from Indy Hall was slated to attend but he was busy with the expansion of his space. So we got the next best thing: Alex on Skype! He was amazing, answering all our questions, being quite honest with his failures and offering some great insight and advice.
We put a survey out and we’ll post results bit later. If you are an Ontario coworking space and didn’t hear about it, or couldn’t come, please send us a note as we’re planning to do something like this twice a year. Thanks to all the people who attended!