by webteam | Nov 21, 2012 | buisness, coworking, Economic development, education, incubator
Where are you, Barrie start-ups and entrepreneurs? We want to enable local startup communities to collect, curate and display their city’s data anyway they want. This is not a site for selling services, or advertising your stuff, rather to highlight and connect...
by webteam | Nov 9, 2012 | buisness, coworking, Economic development, incubator, News and Events
We keep trudging along on the renovations. The floors are looking fab thanks to JOJE’s donation of the flooring and for Shawn from Simcoe North Fixtures and Packaging lending us his miter saw! A massive thank you to Tim Petitpas for the work on mudding, sanding...
by webteam | Nov 5, 2012 | coworking, incubator, News and Events
We know times are tough. We know that you need space to work or write or collaborate. We know that we can offer you a great space to do all of that, and so we’re reducing our daily drop-in rate to $10. That’s a great workspace, working side by side with great people,...
by webteam | Oct 19, 2012 | buisness, coworking, incubator
Yes, we love our new signs.
by webteam | Oct 18, 2012 | coworking, News and Events
For those wondering…what sets The Creative Space apart, well lots of things…but today, we have brought in a Massage Therapist The community has signed up for 15 minute to 1 hour slots all day! And the rates…spacial, just for TCS members! Just one...
by webteam | Oct 12, 2012 | buisness, coworking, Economic development
Small Business Week 2012 runs October 14 to 20.TCS will offer a free week to any digital nomads wanting to test drive coworking for the first time. Come meet some of Barrie’s best small businesses at TCS Offer valid to non-members and those who have never tried...