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Working From Home: Facts vs. Fiction [Infographic]

Working from home or at your local co-work space, like The Creative Space would save you hundreds of dollars, increase your productivity and give you a more positive outlook on life. Workshifting reported some very interesting information on this topic in an article...


We’ve been thinking about it for over a year, but I think we at least are ready to see who out there would love a box of Bloxes! It will take a while for us to set up production and distribution, but in the meantime like the Facebook page and we’ll keep...

3 Creative Art Workshops Hosted at The Creative Space

Creative Collaging Essentials ALL FULL! Thursday, February 10 · 7:00pm – 9:00pm Accessible, environmental, and experimental, collaging is an art form suitable for all ages and levels of artistic practice. But what makes a collage one step above the rest? How can...